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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

动词短语英语中文 get ahead of [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (overtake)SCSimplified Chinese 超过 chāo guò TCTraditional Chinese 超過  He ran faster and got ahead of his sister just as they reached the car.  他跑得更快,并在抵达车子的时候超过了姐姐。 get ahead of [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative (be more successful)SCSimplified Chinese 领先于 TCTraditional Chinese 領先於   SCSimplified Chinese 胜过 shèng guò   SCSimplified Chinese 比…更为成功  The firm developed a multimedia game system that allowed it to get ahead of its rivals.  该公司开发了一种多媒体游戏系统使自己领先于竞争者。 get out of [sth] vi phrasal + prep (extricate oneself from) (本义)SCSimplified Chinese 从...逃走,从...逃离 cóng táo zǒu TCTraditional Chinese 從…逃離  The children could not get out of the building because it was on fire.  由于大楼着火,孩子们没有办法从楼内逃离。 get out of [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative, informal (free yourself from an obligation) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 避免承担…的责任 bì miǎn chéng dān de zé rèn   (责任、义务等)SCSimplified Chinese 逃避,摆脱 táo bì,bǎi tuō TCTraditional Chinese 逃避,擺脫  I need to get out of my meeting this afternoon because I have a doctor's appointment. The teenager tried to get out of his homework by pretending to be ill.  我下午预约了要去看医生,所以得缺席会议了。// 那位青少年假装生病,想逃避做家庭作业。 get out of [sth] vtr phrasal insep (exit a vehicle)SCSimplified Chinese 下 xià TCTraditional Chinese 下  Audrey parked near the beach and got out of the car.  奥黛丽把车停在沙滩附近,下了车。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 get a glimpse of [sth/sb] v expr (catch sight of briefly)SCSimplified Chinese 瞥见 piē jiàn   SCSimplified Chinese 瞅见 piē jiàn ,chǒu jiàn  The fans crowded around the door to get a glimpse of the athletes leaving the stadium. get a hold of [sth] v expr informal (grasp)SCSimplified Chinese 抓住, 把握, 掌控  Get a firm hold of the load and make sure it's not too heavy before you lift. get a kick out of [sth/sb] v expr slang (enjoy, take pleasure in)SCSimplified Chinese 因…激动 yīn … jī dòng TCTraditional Chinese 因…激動   SCSimplified Chinese 刺激 yīn … jī dòng,cì jī TCTraditional Chinese 刺激   SCSimplified Chinese 痛快 yīn … jī dòng,tòng kuài TCTraditional Chinese 痛快  She gets a kick out of watching talking animal videos. Get a load of this/that/him/her! interj slang (look at that)SCSimplified Chinese 看 TCTraditional Chinese 看   SCSimplified Chinese 瞧 qiáo TCTraditional Chinese 瞧 get a rise out of [sb] v expr informal (provoke: [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 有意惹…生气  He's just making faces to get a rise out of you. get a sense of [sth], get a sense for [sth] v expr (understand in a general way)SCSimplified Chinese 大致了解   SCSimplified Chinese 大致理解 get a whiff of [sth] v expr informal (smell)SCSimplified Chinese 闻到 wén dào  Did you get a whiff of that new perfume she is wearing? get a whiff of [sth] v expr figurative, slang (detect)SCSimplified Chinese 察觉到 chá jué dào TCTraditional Chinese 察覺到   SCSimplified Chinese 觉察到 chá jué dào,jué chá dào TCTraditional Chinese 覺察到  Did you get a whiff of the hostility in that meeting? get ahead of yourself v expr (think or act prematurely)SCSimplified Chinese 操之过急 get ahold of [sb/sth] v expr US, informal (grab, grasp)SCSimplified Chinese 抓住 zhuā zhù   SCSimplified Chinese 握住 zhuā zhù,wò zhù TCTraditional Chinese 握住 get ahold of [sb] v expr US, informal (make contact)SCSimplified Chinese 联系 lián xì TCTraditional Chinese 聯繫  I've called her house, her work, and her cell; I can't get ahold of her. get bent out of shape, be bent out of shape v expr US, figurative, slang (be resentful, angry)SCSimplified Chinese 怒发冲冠 nù fà chōng guān   SCSimplified Chinese 气到变形   SCSimplified Chinese 怒不可遏 nù fà chōng guān,nù bù kě è get bent out of shape, be bent out of shape v expr US, figurative, slang (be agitated, upset) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 怒不可遏 nù bù kě è   SCSimplified Chinese 极度愤怒 get bored of [sth] vi + adj informal (lose interest)SCSimplified Chinese 觉得...无聊   SCSimplified Chinese 厌倦 yàn juàn get hold of [sth] v expr informal (obtain [sth]) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 搞到,弄到 gǎo dào,nòng dào  Can you tell me where I can get hold of a watch like yours? You need to get hold of a copy of his birth certificate.  你能告诉我去哪儿可以弄到你戴的这种手表吗?你需要搞到一份他的出生证明。 get hold of [sb] v expr figurative (reach, contact [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 联系上 lián xì shàng TCTraditional Chinese 聯繫上  I've been trying to get hold of him all week, but he's always out.  我整个星期都在试图联系他,不过他一直都外出不在。 get hold of [sb/sth] v expr (grasp)SCSimplified Chinese 抓到,捉住 zhuā dào,zhuō zhù  She got hold of his arm and pulled him towards her.  她捉住他的手臂,将他拉向自己。 get on top of [sb] v expr figurative (overwhelm)SCSimplified Chinese 让...觉得无所适从   SCSimplified Chinese 让...不知所措 get on top of [sth] v expr figurative (gain control of a task, situation, etc.)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 掌握 kòng zhì,zhǎng wò TCTraditional Chinese 掌握   SCSimplified Chinese 掌控 kòng zhì,zhǎng kòng get out of bed v expr (rise in morning)SCSimplified Chinese 起床 qǐ chuáng TCTraditional Chinese 起床  I was sick today and did not want to get out of bed. get out of bed on the wrong side, get up on the wrong side of the bed v expr figurative, informal (be irritable)SCSimplified Chinese 今天脾气不好   SCSimplified Chinese 今日心情不佳 get out of dodge v expr US, informal, figurative (leave a town, escape)SCSimplified Chinese 逃离 táo lí   SCSimplified Chinese 逃跑 táo lí,táo pǎo TCTraditional Chinese 逃跑 get out of hand v expr informal (become uncontrolled)SCSimplified Chinese 脱离控制 tuō lí kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 脫離控制   SCSimplified Chinese 失控 tuō lí kòng zhì,shī kòng  The party got out of hand, and a neighbour called the police. Get out of here! interj informal (command: go)SCSimplified Chinese 出去!  "Get out of here!" she cried, waving her broom at the startled cat. Get out of here! interj mainly US, slang, figurative (disbelief)SCSimplified Chinese 不可思议!我不信!  You bought that shirt for $10? Get out of here! get out of order v expr (be jumbled)SCSimplified Chinese 顺序被打乱  The professor's notes had got out of order and he was having trouble giving his lecture. get out of the way v expr informal (move aside) (障碍等)SCSimplified Chinese 不挡道,被弄开  The truck finally got out of the way and I was able to turn right. get [sth] out of the way v expr informal, figurative (task: complete)SCSimplified Chinese 完成 wán chéng TCTraditional Chinese 完成   SCSimplified Chinese 将…解决掉  Let's get the cleaning out of the way: then we can do something fun. get [sth/sb] out of your mind v expr (stop thinking about [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 忘记某事 wàng jì mǒu shì TCTraditional Chinese 忘記某事   SCSimplified Chinese 别再想某事 wàng jì mǒu shì,bié zài xiǎng mǒu shì  I know it was a tough breakup, but you need to get it out of your mind. get rid of [sth] v expr informal (throw away)SCSimplified Chinese 扔掉 rēng diào  You need to get rid of those pants - you never wear them anymore.  你需要扔掉那些裤子,反正你也不会再穿了。 get rid of [sth] v expr informal (dispense with)SCSimplified Chinese 废除,免除 fèi chú,miǎn chú TCTraditional Chinese 廢除,免除  The local museum got rid of its entrance charge; it's free to go in now.  当地博物馆免除了入场费,现在免费开放。 get rid of [sb] v expr informal (person: make leave)SCSimplified Chinese 摆脱 bǎi tuō TCTraditional Chinese 擺脫  I'm trying to think of some way of getting rid of him.  我正在想法子摆脱他。 get shot of [sth], be shot of [sth] v expr UK, informal (get rid of)SCSimplified Chinese 去除 qù chú   SCSimplified Chinese 摆脱 qù chú,bǎi tuō TCTraditional Chinese 擺脫 get shot of [sb], be shot of [sb] v expr UK, informal (person: make leave)SCSimplified Chinese 除掉 chú diào   SCSimplified Chinese 解决 chú diào,jiě jué TCTraditional Chinese 解決 get the better of [sb], get the best of [sb] v expr (defeat)SCSimplified Chinese 战胜 zhàn shèng TCTraditional Chinese 戰勝   SCSimplified Chinese 打败 zhàn shèng ,dǎ bài TCTraditional Chinese 打敗  Manchester United managed to get the better of Liverpool with an impressive 4-0 victory. get the hang of [sth], get the hang of doing [sth] v expr informal (learn to do)SCSimplified Chinese 学会… TCTraditional Chinese 學會...   SCSimplified Chinese 掌握…的窍门  I took her ice-skating for the first time, and she got the hang of it right away. get the hang of [sth] v expr informal (understand)SCSimplified Chinese 明白 míng bái   SCSimplified Chinese 理解 míng bái,lǐ jiě TCTraditional Chinese 理解  At first the movie made no sense to me, but after a while I got the hang of it. get the lay of the land v expr informal, figurative (become familiar with [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 熟悉一下情况   SCSimplified Chinese 了解一下状况 get to the bottom of [sth] v expr figurative, informal (solve [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 弄清,弄清楚 nòng qīng,nòng qīng chǔ TCTraditional Chinese 弄清  Nobody will be allowed to go home until we get to the bottom of this and discover who gave the order to sell the shares. get wind of [sth] vtr informal (hear rumours of) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 得到...的风声, 风闻 get your mind out of the gutter expr (stop your sordid thinking)SCSimplified Chinese 别想歪了   SCSimplified Chinese 别乱想  "If you pull it hard enough, it gets longer." "Oo-er!" "Get your mind out of the gutter!" get sick and tired of [sth] v expr informal (start to be weary, exasperated)SCSimplified Chinese 厌倦 yàn juàn   SCSimplified Chinese 厌烦 yàn juàn,yàn fán  I'm getting sick and tired of that child's whining! get tired of [sth/sb] v expr (start to be weary of)SCSimplified Chinese 对...倦怠了   SCSimplified Chinese 厌烦了...   SCSimplified Chinese 做...累了  The teacher was getting tired of having to tell her students to stop chatting.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

标题中含有单词 'get of' 的论坛讨论:

get an idea of get the better of How did you get into (line of work)? I want to get a pair of better quality headphones some time in the future. I'm going to get an x-ray of my lungs done tomorrow. Oh can I get a favourite picture of you There is a "Wheel of Time" TV series now based on the novels, but it did not get very good reviews. ,with no way of knowing what to base one till you get there. - English Only forum You get any of that in the trash can? - English Only forum ...get out of his depression and regain/regained... - English Only forum is no laughing matter to get free of it. - English Only forum ...which (it) is hardest to get rid of - English Only forum 'as good an example as you get' of rebalancing the respectability - English Only forum 'Get hold of' and 'get in touch with' - English Only forum 'if the people get into the way of making Kings they might get into the way of unmaking them' - English Only forum 'That little factory of yours, Charlie, is as close as any of us is ever going to get.' - English Only forum 'to be rid of something' vs 'to get rid of something' - English Only forum “What good can you get out of it?””what good can it do to you?” - English Only forum (you) can't get this shade of red anymore - English Only forum [catch],[get] a whiff of vs. [take] a whiff of - English Only forum a defining battle to get rid of poverty - English Only forum A devil to get hold of - English Only forum a lot of paper get wasted - English Only forum a piece of wool cloth we use to get warm - English Only forum A question of get/getting.... - English Only forum a/ the deep sense of satisfaction you get - English Only forum accomplish the group [What you hope to get out of the community. ] - English Only forum After six hours' climbing, we "could or can" get to the top of the mountain - English Only forum All of this assumed that you would get invested. - English Only forum All of you who didn't get the corrections were supposed to get them from me. - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'get of'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "get of" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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